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I've had the privilege to work & travel in many interesting places I never thought I would see. Photographs bring research to life; here is just a small sliver of the many inspiring, resilient people I've had the opportunity to meet through research.


Work in progress - more coming soon! 

Women's land rights - West Bengal & Odisha, India

Data collection for the mixed-method impact evaluation of joint land titling & regularization in West Bengal & Odisha with Landesa, as part of the Gender, Agriculture & Asset Project (Phase I) led by IFPRI & ILRI  (2010 - 2011) 

Photos: © Amber Peterman

Social Cash Transfers - Serenje, Zambia

Data collection for the impact evaluation of the Government of Zambia's Multiple Category Targeted unconditional cash transfer in Serenje, with the Transfer Project & Palm Associates  (2013) 

Photos: © Amber Peterman

NetGirls Zambia - Katete, Zambia

I co-founded a netball league for young women & girls in Katete, Zambia in 2013 - now affiliated with the e-learning NGO, the Impact Network. We are now in our 5th season, offering sport & complementary programs to girls, including reusable pad workshops & financial literacy. 

Photos: Varsity league scrimmage, © Kristyn Ulanday

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